UnNews:Spielberg regrets not making Lincoln a musical as Les Miserables beats him at the Golden Globes

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Spielberg regrets not making Lincoln a musical as Les Miserables beats him at the Golden Globes UnNews Logo Potato.png

17 January 2013

Freedom!..freedom!!..You've gotta give for what you take!!!...


Steven Spielberg admits he 'hobbled' his epic Lincoln' by not filming it as a song and dance musical.

The film about President Abraham Lincoln and his struggle to keep a very tall hat on his head saw Golden Globe humiliation. Spielberg received one Golden Globe but rival Les Miserables about two French blokes blowing out their lungs at each other won three. Spielberg was later seen talking to friends and disappearing before the end of the show. Later he posted this up on his website:

Hiya friends. Yes the Golden Globes have spoken. I should have made my film into a musical and perhaps called it All About Abe. So much of the story could have been easily changed into a fantastic score with up to date themes. The Gettysburg Address could have been sung as a rap and some deep, sad soul brother music could have played over the scene where Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth. I didn't ask Daniel if he had ever sung when casting him for Lincoln but I if Russell Crowe can play Javert as a tone deaf rugby player in Les Miserables - I guess all I can say is shit happens. And I got shatted.

Suggestions that Spielberg was considering a 'musical re-cut' for Lincoln were ruled as an unlikely. The director has been cautious about the musical genre when his only major film failure 1941 bombed quicker than an attack of Japanese war planes on America's fleet at Pearl Harbor.
