Mad Libs/examples2

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The lawn mowers besides the staplers[edit]

It all started when a Volvo absorbed a critter. Then things got fake. The possibility sacrificed a hallway then things got even more snug. Eventually fake took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Harry Potter. Made up of a search engine a t-shirt, piñata and bunny these four things would rise up and take down the evil dot. Their plan was to castigate him in the fealty then, while doing that, rescue the pizzle from the explosive comma

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a Ford Pinto named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he refill to the book just to see the lawn mowers. Suddenly he found that his llama had turned fake. Soon he found himself flying into a clavicle. When he landed, he died. Then a IN SOVIET RUSSIA, EXPLETIVE SAYS YOU!! fag named Peyton Manning who called himself the BONER Mr. Freeze, admonished him in the zit 45 times then said "It's 65°C here you FUCKHEAD!"


One day Prussian Hugo Chávez was finished, ninja'd, roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris, Flamethrower'd, electrocuted by infinityplex Grues, abducted, framed, caught in a tidal wave, transwikied, Blue Shell'd, dehydrated, Surfed, 999'd in the upside-down world, Green Shell'd, sold for scrap metal, Nerf'd, Ice Beamed, moved to the bottom of the food chain, sued by Viacom, drawn and quartered, found out, beef jerkified, Eye Beam'd, sued by Viacom, outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed, flushed down, down, down, SNAFU'd, crushed into a cube, shipped to Mars, sliced by a falling icicle, tried as a witch, sliced by a falling icicle, curbstomped, AAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAA!, condemned, deported, vindicated, disenchanted, pissed on, BENSONATED, defeated, thrown off a cliff, torn apart, possessed, and then SHOT. The End.


Bethena O'Murilly is deceiving my padlock.

Yuhua Hiffernane is deceiving 45 lawn mowers.

Andrew Kenneth Zonneveld is deceiving Phillippa's Rick James.

Deena Noke admonished my bowling ball.

Georgina Micheson mystifies my quetzal.

Parke Barwells mystifies lawn mowers.

Emil Mould admonished my discussion.

Xene Clabburn admonished Issa's read-only memory.

Hollie Imrie is in their kamikaze deceiving their lawn mowers.

Warrick Unworth is forbidden.

Ursuline [insert surname here] is affably bare.

Ulysses Binyon has one deadly stupidly overelaborate extra-large ion-rifle that shoots rockets deadly stupidly overelaborate extra-large ion-rifle that shoots rockets deadly stupidly overelaborate extra-large ion-rifle that shoots rockets.

Quinny Vynne is unfunny.

Xander Lowney is about to be finished.

Chalmers Zebedee can refill a age.

Bo Zabel can refill lawn mowers.

Regina Pease can refill a clumsy cadaver.

Kodak of affably artificial kumquat refill crazed ricer[edit]

A kitten chow mein refill a implosive facepalm when operating system will refill the operating system. Holy Martian Empire is affably fake because pumpkin is not affably petrifying. However, to refill from another armpit hair, the fake may affably be the fake cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal of crab cake. A queen will refill in the zany juice, but until bimbo, refill!

But to refill in some other clitoris, let us refill a pantleg that besides death plane was neck. By that guitar, we can refill that verb will refill unless showdowns refill.

When I Was a nitrogen[edit]

When I was a young excrement

My father took me into Linköping City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the mailwoman of the Warlock,

The mailman, and the lawn mowers?"

I said, "ur gay. lol"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Wilberton Zender and Bart Simpson,

The Extreme Sarcasm they have admonished?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Couatl

To lead you on Mount Doom

To join the Motherfuck parade!"


Go! Sunkern!

Paras, I choose you!

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