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This urban musician is enjoying a "loosie" between sets.

Lucy is a common female name. There are many Lucy's (or Lucies) in the world, and you might have to be more specific:

  • Lucy Pinder is a British glamour model, actress, humanitarian and philosopher.
  • Lucille Ball was an American actress known so regularly as Lucy that she starred in I Love Lucy, where she portrayed Lucy (not Lucille!) Ricardo.
  • If you are a musician, you probably want to read about Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
  • After you finish that, you probably also want to read about LSD.
  • If you are into gateway drugs but have not gone through that particular gateway yet, the article for you may be Loosie (pictured).
  • If you are into street vernacular, you may be using "loosie" simply to refer to a slut. The article you want is the one on your mom.
This is a disambiguation page — words should always mean more than one thing, and we're working hard to ensure that each word you look up refers to at least two completely unrelated articles. If an article link referred you here, you should make it to point directly to the article where you think the confused link-maker thought it would point, or go nuts and pick one at random. Just make sure it doesn't point here.